
Lectii de la oameni toxici...

Cândva, într-un trecut nu foarte îndepărtat am lucrat în medii organizaționale toxice. Acum, când mă uit înapoi, cu mândrie aș putea spune, realizez că am fost norocoasă, nu numai pentru că am supraviețuit, dar am și reușit să ies din acele medii iar lecțiile învățate m-au ajutat să “trec clasa” și să aleg să ajung…

Ce am învățat #acasă …

Să ies din starea de lâncezeală, "legumă", împietrire, dezinteres, demotivare … și să ajut cumva lumea, prin lume înțelegând un prieten care e în șomaj tehnic, un soț care nu mai are activitate pentru că nu poate face masaje virtuale…deocamdată , un copil care se plictisește în casă de-i vine să se urce pe pereti, un coleg…

Eu şi telefonul...

Când a fost ultima oară când ai luat micul dejun, prânzul sau cina, sau o simplă cafea în pauza de la birou fără să ai cu tine telefonul sau tableta...? Fără să fii conectat cu lumea? A ta sau a celorlalți? Ei bine, la mine s-a întâmplat minunea acum o săptămână... Când mi-am uitat telefonul pe birou și am plecat în…

I believe in... purposeful organisations

I really do. Actually in the necessity to work and be part of a purposeful organization. We spend so much time of our life at work, around 1728 hours per year, circa 2920 hours/year spent with sleeping at an average of 8 hours/night and the rest remains our “conscious” life, if we live such a life. No matter what paradigms shifts are in…

Lessons learnt… from toxic people

I've thought many times at this subject but I haven’t found till now the pause to turn it into an article about toxic people, more specifically about toxic employees, colleagues, bosses or toxic workplaces. I have met them frequently in my professional life. Maybe, you too. I was like a magnet for such people or places. It took me some time to…

Mandalas - for a short break with kids or at the office

I “heard” about them for the first time a few years ago when reading C. G. Jung, the Swiss psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who re-introduced mandalas into modern Western thought by observing the motif of the circle and adopting the word “mandala” based on his familiarity with the Indian philosophical writings. According to Jung,…

Good bye… mediocrity

I was talking with a friend about those things that hinder or make us hesitate or put off taking a radical decision to transform or reconstruct our entire life or only a portion of it, maybe our current career, an unhealthy relationships, a place to rest or a place to work. Failure after failure, with too little breaks in-between to sit…

The humanist approach: key to success in recruiting - part I

We are living in a digital era and we are already dealing with digital recruitment, especially with social media recruitment. We are talking about the mobile job seeker and we are using online recruiting tools and software, intended to make our lives and jobs easier and speed up processes. There are no walls, no borders, and no limits in terms of…

The humanist approach: key to success in everything - part II

When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic."(Carl Rogers, 1961) So… Recruiting becomes social and has to adopt a humanistic approach in order to attract or find talents. Maybe social media is clear, for most of us, because we are using it on a daily basis. But, what is humanistic approach? And why …